Thursday, June 12, 2008

Celebrate Fairfax

Celebrate Fairfax was held on June 6-8 this year and those three days were some of the hottest days of the summer, so far. Huuuumid.

I volunteered to work the Libraries booth Saturday morning and of course had to set it up that Friday as well. It was easier than the year before when the heat index was 105 because of the high humidity.

This year the humidity didn't arrive until Saturday afternoon and stayed until Tuesday evening. After serving a few hours Saturday morning, I came home for a few hours while Jack had a nap (and I took a mini-nap) and when he awoke, we went back to the fair to enjoy it as a family.

It was blazing hot and humid by that time. I noticed there were a lot less people there than from previous years, about a third less, probably. I dropped by our booth to see how the volunteers were doing and they were sitting and sweating. They weren't getting a lot of traffic, nobody wanted to know more about the library, they wanted food or rides or some sort of liquid refreshments.

Exxon/Mobil had a Nascar car for their "booth".

Visiting the Petting Zoo

Jack and a Donkey (or a Burro, I am unsure)

Jack loves School buses, so when he saw the bus, he had to go in and see what the fuss was all about.

Jack and me riding on the Carousel, he loved that.

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