Thursday, June 12, 2008

Catching Up

The last few weeks have been a hectic mess. When Kate got back from North Carolina from seeing her sister, she brought a nasty cold with her that stayed with us for the last month. After Kate got over it, Jack got it and then a week later, I got a version of it. Sore throat, aches, fever, chills, sweats and lots of runny noses.

It took me three or fours days just to feel human again. That was one nasty bug, but the good news is that since it was a virus, it can't get us again.

Kate had to go away for a few days for her PML (Project Manager Leadership) group where they do all those hokey exercises and team-building stuff. She also got to do some kayaking.

That first night, we had a big thunderstorm that knocked out our cable, so we didn't have any TV or internet for the next two days. It came back up about thirty minutes before Kate got back from her trip.

Jack missed his mom, so when she got home he ran out to see her, she was pretty happy to see her, too. I think he was just sick of me. Both of us didn't sleep well for those few days.

Glad things are back to normal.

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