Tuesday, January 4, 2011


I wanted to start doing more creative stuff this year, instead of making a resolution, I just wanted to be more creative and exercise that part of my brain.

I was going to start a Twitter account under the name "Fake Dan Snyder", but someone already beat me to it. I had a bunch of funny tweets already to go, too!

Instead, I have decided to start a year-long project to draw a doodle a day for a whole year. It was hard to find a decent domain; I tried "DoodleaDay.com", DailyDoodle.com", and even "MydailyDoodle.com", but some other people had already bought them, but aren't doing anything with them. What a shame, there is lots of potential there, too. I ended up buying a domain, Doodlicious.com and am posting a different doodle each day. Check it in a month or two and see how well I am holding up.

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