I got Kate a new laptop, sorely needed. I also managed to bring her over to the dark side by also getting her an Apple iPod Touch (a part of my multi-year plan to eventually get her fully into the Apple fold). We called Abbie this morning via Skype and saw them and their presents.
Jack got so much stuff its hard to calculate, but it looks like Lego, Iron Man and clothes are the highlights. (He Loves the Redskin helmet that Frank went all the way to FedEx Field to buy him, so thanks for that, Frank, he loves it!)
I did well, got a bunch of stuff like a mini helicopter, iTunes, a battery pack for my iPhone, clothes, "Despicable Me" DVD, a very cool wool hat (Thanks Mom and Dad!) and other assorted goods.
It even snowed this morning, no accumulation, but tomorrow we might get a few inches.
Thanks GG and PapaJohn for the Legos!
Uncle Frank and Debbie got him a Redskins helmet, he LOOOOVVVEEESSS it.
Oooooh, Lego Star Wars!
Helping Papu with unwrapping his present.