Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Celebrate Fairfax

The Fair was in town last week for the weekend, so we had to go. Lots to do and since Kate's Mom and Papu were in town, they joined us for some of the fun.

We of course, fueled up on all the fair food, pizza, gyros, steak and cheese, chicken tenders, fries and ice cream. We topped it off with fried dough (elephant ears or funnel cake). Good eats at the fair, always.

We visited the Petting Zoo and saw Chewy the Camel again. He is nice to me, but I saw him spit on a girl that was beside him - he did not like her at all and she was sooo embarrassed.


There were other animals like ducklings, chicks and chickens, turkeys (one of the turkeys laid an egg), billy goats, goats, lambs and pygmy bulls. They even had a few alpacas, one of which allowed Jack to put his arm around him and stand next him.


Did I mention the Baby PotBellied Pigs?

The Alpaca

There was a riding train that we took for a spin around the childrens area and Jack seemed to like that a lot.
Riding the Train

Next was a huge inflatable bounce area - he really liked that, so much that we went back again later and he jumped around for another 20 minutes.

I did notice that it had a misspelling on the front of it. "Train Sataion"

There was a train display set up inside across about 20 tables so we visited inside the Government Center and enjoyed the air conditioning for awhile, too. He didn't seem to mind that none of the trains were named Thomas or that they didn't look like those trains.

After that we waited for the fireworks, which were pretty good, but only lasted 20 minutes or so. All in all, a good time and getting out was easy, not much traffic at all.

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