Saturday, February 6, 2010

Did Someone Say Snow?

Yeah, it looks like we are getting walloped. I bring out special words like wallop on special occasions, such as today, when we have now accumulated 17 inches of snow and counting. Winds are supposed to pick up later too.

I took Jack out this afternoon so I could clear off the walkway and the back so the dog could do her business. I got as far as the end of the driveway, with just enough room to walk. After a few minutes, it was already covered up, so its not over.

Jack liked being in the snow and wanted to make some snowballs, but it was a little too dry to make them. Meanwhile, I shoveled some serious snow.

Dresed and ready fr the snow.

The Backyard, where it measured 27 inches deep.

27 Inches, so far.

Enjoying some Hot Cocoa after coming in from the snow.

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