Sunday, December 6, 2009

Thanksgiving (Miscellaneous Pics)

Fierce. (or as fierce as you can be with foam swords)

Mom took us all to Walmart and let the boys get one big present. This is the shot of them all hanging off of the cart with their new toy in the basket. That was a great treat, Thanks Mom.

All the boys together (Jacob, Jack and Joshua).

Rocco the killer (of fleas).

Tickling is a favorite at any family gathering.

Jack eventually loosened up.

Jack got some GG time, too.

More GG time.

When they weren't playing games, the boys would like to hang around Mom and get some GG time.

I found a game online that the boys wanted to play on the lego/Star Wars site. It was fun and they really liked uncle Johnny's help when we would destroy the droids with the lightsaber.

Mom getting smooched by Karen and Jacob.

Meanwhile, Karen worked on her won puzzle and some of us would chip in and help for a few minutes at a time. Dad was helping when I took this shot.

Jacob and the Star Wars lego thing I put together for them. It must have had 3,000 pieces - it took me about two hours to put together.

Karen and Erik had an LCD flat screen mounted above their fireplace, so Jack would stand in front and look straight u to watch it. He becomes the TV when he watches, so his mouth opens and he will stay in these neck-stiffening positions just to watch SpongeBob.

Jack and his beloved train.

The boys had foam swords and liked to play fight with eachother.

This is my favorite pic of Jack, getting smooched on by Mom. He gives this look when he is "smooched-out".

Jack on his laptop, showing Mom a few shortcuts.

Jack playing that Star Wars Lego game we found online.

Jack playing with Dad and his train. Jack loves that train - thanks GG (mom).

Dad and Jacob.

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