Monday, September 21, 2009

Another Sobering Statistic (670 to 0)

As a follow-up to a previous post about the DWI Checkpoints that weren't getting good results, I got another press release reporting the results from this weekend.

They stopped 670 motorists and not one DWI arrest. Although, they do get credit for one summons that was issued for a miscellaneous traffic offense.

This is more evidence that these DWI checkpoints just aren't a very effective way to get drunk drivers off the street.


  1. one could argue that it works so well that drunks aren't driving. would be interesting to see how many passengers in those cars would be too drunk to drive legally. maybe you should ask the police if you can participate in the next one and conduct your research!

  2. Methinks that these are just self-serving PR excercises at the expense of our civil liberties.

    When a single DWI-directed patrol can lasso 15-20 suspects in the same amount of time, using the same or less resources, then the police should abandon these old ways.
