Friday, September 25, 2009

Funny Quote

So today is my sisters birthday and I found a quote from a twitter account that I thought I would pass along, it struck me as funny, so no telling if its actually funny, it just made me laugh.

"Happy birthday, I didn't get you a present...Oh, mom got you one? Well, that's from me then too, unless it's shitty."

I got this from a twitter feed called "Shit My Dad Says"

Happy Birthday, Karen!

Monday, September 21, 2009

Another Sobering Statistic (670 to 0)

As a follow-up to a previous post about the DWI Checkpoints that weren't getting good results, I got another press release reporting the results from this weekend.

They stopped 670 motorists and not one DWI arrest. Although, they do get credit for one summons that was issued for a miscellaneous traffic offense.

This is more evidence that these DWI checkpoints just aren't a very effective way to get drunk drivers off the street.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Do I Post This?

I put a filter on my blog so when someone sends in a comment, I have to approve it before its posted. I got three email alerts last week where someone commented on a post I created in February of 2008 Subway (Link Here).

The comments were from someone who obviously has had a LOT of experience with Subway restaurants, probably running one, but his experience were not so good. The thing that keeps me from hitting the publish button is the obvious rant-like quality of the comments.

If I post this stuff, it makes me look like I have endorsed these ranting, xenophobic views this guys holds. On the other hand, everyone IS entitled to their opinion, even if I don't endorse or believe everything this person says.

Here's how the first post starts off:
"Subway is dominated by Indian owners. Why would I bring that up? Because it's probably not well known, and if you're interested in owning a Subway, you better have a lot of cash, an inside track, and get along very well with Indians (East Indians, not American Indians). You might think that's racist, but it's not. It's the truth."
- Anonymous

I think the best way to tell someone you hold racist views is to predicate your statement with "...this may sound racist..., may think that's racist...".

Maybe I will publish them, maybe I won't. Tell me if I should.

A New Laptop

Me, looking smug with my Apple laptop.

I got a new computer this past week, a laptop from Apple that is awesome. I tricked it out and it is powerful. I've been busy transferring all my old photos, programs, music and miscellaneous files over the past week and discovered how much crap I have.

I have files that I keep for a sliver of a reason and will save it because I can actually think of a reason it might be used. Might.

I have three external hard drives of various sizes that I have filled up with miscellaneous stuff like old artwork, scans, music files and jokes. I have tons of text jokes. I must have 10 Mb of jokes in small text files. I think I may be a computer file hoarder. This may need an intervention.

How Stupid Are People?

I came across this little gem a week ago. It originated from the Vienna, Virginia Police Report, which reports all the significant police events that occur during the week. This one entry caught my eye:

Police solve perplexing dilemma in Vienna
A woman called Vienna Police to inquire about some “mysterious stickers” she had received in the mail for her Virginia license plates. The woman said she had paid the Virginia Department of Motor Vehicles to renew her tags which expire in 2009, for two years. She went on to say that inside the envelope returned from the DMV were two odd-looking equal signs. She told police she wondered what she was supposed to do with them.
The dispatcher replied that she should rotate the equal signs 90 degrees and see that they were in fact 2011 “11” stickers.

Cupcakes Actually

We went to CPK (California Pizza Kitchen) and afterward, decided to go into this new little place called "Cupcakes Actually". They had nothing but cupcakes, but they were all gourmet. Cupcakes are just mini cakes, so you don't feel real bad when you eat an entire cupcake. Can't say that about a whole cake.

The tastefully decorated outside of the store. The inside was nice, too.

The Vanilla Bean cupcakes

Kate and I had lunch on friday, which is a rarity since she works in Gaithersburg. Sh e will occasionally work from home on Fridays, so that affords us a chance to have a nice lunch without the distraction of the boy.

Mini Golf and More

Ready to Mini-Golf

Burke Lake also had an ice cream shop, so of course we had to get some. We didn't ride the train or the carousel, but did get some ice cream an pretzels. The nice thing is that they don't take advantage of the situation and make everything real expensive. So kudos to you, Fairfax County Park Authority.

Jack and Kate by the train ride

The train ride was only $2.00, too.

They even had a Carousel ride for $1.50.

Burke Lake Park Mini Golf

We went to Burke Lake Park this morning and went mini-golfing. Jack likes golfing, actually just hitting the ball and the accolades he gets for getting it into the hole. I did good and so did Kate, but on two holes she found a way to hit her ball into a water hazard. I remember because I went in to get them.

Here is an example of one of these holes with the stream running by it.

Unfortunate Logo

I walk into work and there is usually a display up of some sort, promoting what National (fill in the blank) it is; National Elderly Abuse Day, National Get Sick at Work Week or whatever cause that a particular department celebrates (read; exploits) in the name of getting their message out there.

This is the banner that was attached to the cause du jour;

Why, WHY would anyone develop a logo that could have some other meaning? Having their hands all meet at that one zone just looks, unfortunate. Does anyone think about logos anymore? This reminds me of another logo...

Neighborhood Addition

We regularly walk around our neighborhood, sometimes after dinner. A few months ago we noticed one of our neighbors was putting an addition on to the back oh their house. I thought they would do something different than what they did, it didn't look finished to me.

What do you think?

Ab and Kate

Forgot to post this. Ab and Kate.

Abbie Comes to Visit

Last weekend (or was it the weekend before that?), Abbie and her brood came to visit. She had Ellie and Nate in tow. Ellie is as cute as can be and Nate follows her around like the good little brother he is supposed to be.

We did little things, like hang out in the back yard and visited with Tim and Karen on Labor Day. The next door neighbors came over (Olie) and we were flush with rugrats. Jack, who I do not think of as big, was the biggest one.

Ellie swimming at Tim and Karens

Jack and Ellie (I still can't get over that she is older than he is.

Jack and Ellie playing together at the sandbox

Olie playing in the sandbox

Nate with a mosquito bite on his head

All the kids have real sweet skin, which means the mosquitos love them. When they get bit, they have these ugly little welts that pop up for an hour or so and look painful. Ouch.

The fourth kid wouldn't fit in the chair

Ellie pushing Olie around

All four kids together, watching a movie.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Misc. Grandma Pics

Jack and Kathleen.


Ginger Alexander

So I was writing earlier that we walked by Trademark Properties in Charleston, right? Well, as we were walking by a bank a few blocks away, we passed a girl pushing a stroller and a small dog. Kate didn't recognize her, but I did, it was Ginger Alexander, from that TLC show.

She had her dog and also a baby, - a newborn! I asked if I could get a picture with her and she said yes, she was so nice. She looked great, the TV show doesn't do her justice. Did I mention she was really, really nice? I am a huge Ginger fan, now.

Here's a link to catch you up: Ginger Alexander

Downtown Charleston

I like Charleston, its an old city with lots of charm. The buildings have all been there for 200 years, a lot like Old Town Alexandria.

When we parked, I got out and saw a big oval sign with "TMP" on it. As I walked closer, I recognized that it was for Trademark Properties. This is a show on TLC that Kate and I watched about a guy that buys dilapidated buildings, fixes them up and flips them. The show used to be called the Real Deal, but Donald Trump sued the show over the name so they changed it to something else. (More on this later)

Kathleen took a few pictures of us at this beautiful fountain across the street, it had some of the most beautiful plants, including a habiscus that had flowered.

Here are the plants by the fountain. I wish I could grow stuff as lush as this.

A picture of a perfect Habiscus bloom. (I think I just lost some major "man"-points fawning over a flower, but I see now why O'Keefe spent so many years painting these)

We walked down to the battery, which had an overlook out to the water and some swings. Before we got there, we stopped and got some italian ice. This stuff is awesome, perfect for a hot day when you need something sweet to cool you off.

Jack and me swinging and eating italian ice. The perfect way to spend a summer afternoon.

Kathleen, Jack and Kate swinging.

East Bay Deli

We went into downtown Charleston and had lunch at the East Bay Deli after the Aquarium, big fan. I like their decor, their food and their portions. Big fan.
Jack and Grandma had a good time, too. Kathleen was amazed that he ate his entire sandwich, all of his 32 oz. drink and the bag of chips. She didn't finish hers.

The Beach

We went to Folly Beach on Tuesday, the weather was nice and the sun didn't beat down too much. The wind was whipped up and because of Tropical Storm Bill, the beach had washed away, so there wasn't a whole lot of beach left, maybe 35 feet.

This was too close to the ocean for Jack, so he was a little freaked out by the waves and the sounds of the pounding surf. We only spent an hour or so there, but enough time to make a sand castle (and wreck it) and look for some seas shells.

Kathleen checked the web site for Folly Beach and they didn't mention a thing about the snack bar and umbrella rentals not being open, so that was a bummer, cause it was hot after a few minutes and you can't hide from the sun.

It was nice to see the ocean and feel the warm ocean water run over my toes.

Tino's Birthday

The first night we were there it was Tino's birthday, so Kate and Jack made him a cake and Jack decorated it. Happy Birthday, Tino!

Miscellaneous Aquarium Stuff

This Bald Eagle was downstairs, next to the penguins. I think it was being rehabilitated. Eagles don't show a whole lot of emotion, so if you look at them for a second or for hours, its pretty much the same expression. Take a picture and move on.

Being entertained by the penguins.

On the top of the Aquarium, there is an outdoor habitat that houses several birds, turtles and fish. You can walk through and see some really neat stuff and enjoy the outdoors, but still under a roof.

A huge tank of fish, that all swam counter-clockwise, every once in a while, you would see a "rebel" swimming the other way. Way to fight the man, Rebel-fish!

Here is the Cooper River Bridge, in Charleston. It was such a nice day when we got to the Aquarium and they had a great view out back.

The Penguins

These guys are so cute, I bet the otters are plotting to rid the Aquarium of these little cut-ups.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009


These were cool, they actually glowed in a blue that the camera just couldn't pick up. Or was I having an acid flashback?

Little Sea Turtle

In one of the tanks was a tiny sea turtle, big enough to fit in your hand. The South Carolina Aquarium sponsors programs where they rescue and rehabilitate sea turtles.

An Octopus Tickling Itself

Jack said that this little octopus was tickling itself. Funny how kids see the world. Who knows, maybe he/she was tickling themselves.