Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Snow Day

It snowed about 7 or 8 inches here Sunday night/Monday morning. Kate's work closed, but mine was on "unscheduled leave", formerly known as "liberal leave", but I guess everything has political connotations so the name was changed. The end result is that I took the day off instead of risking the life of my child and myself just to go to work. It was cooooold and we had some wind whipping up some snow every once in a while, too.

This is nothing compared to those Oklahoma winters, but up here in "Warshington DC" as they say in that part of the country, its a big deal.

We went out in the morning and took a quick trip down to the old Seven-Eleven to get a donut and a cheap snow shovel. We let Jack pick the color and he chose blue. It was $15, but it folds up so you can carry it in your car easily and that is what I needed. We played out back for a few minutes as well and then went inside for some cocoa. Kate makes it from scratch, not the kind from the pouch and its good stuff.

Jack doesn't have any snow boots, so we wrapped his feet in plastic grocery bags and taped them up. Since this is only the second time he's been in the snow this year, I figure we saved about $30. We will probably break down and get him some next year, he just grows so fast and it doesn't snow that much here.

Later in the afternoon, we went out again and I cleared off the two cars, which took me 45 minutes since there was a good amount of ice underneath all that snow. Made it much easier to get going this morning, I would have been 30 minutes late if I hadn't.

Jack tried to get in on the act by shoveling the driveway. He did it three times and was done. I guess it just wasn't as much fun as he thought it looked. Kate did well, she loves the snow and loves to watch Jack play in it. She took most of the pictures.

Happy Trails

Jack and Johnny


Happy Dog


Kate and Jack

Holding a Shovel at the 7-11


Can I be finished now?

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