Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Thanksgiving:Georgia, Part 2

Thanksgiving day was spent just playing around with the kids and watching football. We also played in th back yard with the kids. They threw the ball with the dog (who LOVED that). The boys had a little soccer net and practiced kicking goals. The girls would throw the football and play in the sandbox with Jack. It got colder later in the day and we had to put on coats later in the evening.

That night it rained a lot, which was very much needed in Georgia, which has suffered through a horrible drought the last few months. We must have brought the weather with us when we came down to visit.

The Dinner was ready about 5 and it was GOOOOOOOOD. That was some of the best turkey I have ever had, so juicy and tender. Mmmmmm, mmmmm. Karen really outdid herself on that meal.

We all relaxed after dinner and played various games such as Chutes and Ladders, Cherry Pick and Rock Sock Em Robots. Kenny and I played a few games of Rock Em Sock Em. The kids watched a few DVDs, doted on Jack and played with the dog, who was beat from all the excercise she had been getting earlier.

It was a great Thanksgiving just to have the family together and be around eachother. The food was great and Karen really did a great job as a host - bravo!

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