Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Charlie's Funeral (the Dinner the Night Before)

We went up to Karen and Tims friday night for dinner, since everyone was coming in from out of town (St Louis, Hawaii, Alabama and North Carolina). Tim and Karen were great hosts, there was shrimp, croissant sandwiches, Karens famous meatballs and other assorted food. The house looked great.

Abbie and Jason arrived late after an incident with a flat tire, but made it and brought little Ellie. Christopher came all the way from Hawaii. Skip, Rikki and the girls (Taren and Chelle) and their spouses came from Alabama and St. Louis. Rikkis sister made it, too, along with her partner, I forgot their names, but they were great fun to hang around and loooved Jack. Rikki took a special liking to him , too. He knows how to turn on that charm with the ladies.

He was saying "Hi, Baby" to Ellie all night.

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