Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Mr. Fix-It

This weekend the dishwasher went out on us, made a few funny noises and would not empty the water in the bottom of the pan. After fooling with it for a few minutes, I decided to take it out and get a better look at the guts of the operation. I determined that there must be a clog somewhere and after about an hour, had it isolated at the exchange where the tube that carries the bad water out to the sink hookup. Took off the little cap, pried the tip off and there it was, a wad of grimy gooky crud. Fixed.

On Saturday afternoon, I took the door of the shed off of its hinges and replaced them so that they matched up better for the door frame. I also put up some tool-holders and put all my tools in the shed. Now I have a place for all my shtuff. I also hung a frame for the bicycle in the back of the shed. Fixed.

Monday morning I awoke to a car that would not work, turned over a few times then just made a clicking sound. When I got home I went and got a new battery and installed that, what do you know, it worked. Guess it was that first cold snap of the season and a 7 year-old battery. Fixed.

The upside to all this was that I got all this stuff fixed; dishwwasher, the shed door and the dead car battery - done.

I am officially "Mr. Fix-It".

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