Saturday, August 11, 2007

Sunday at the Fritzs

We went over to see Karen and Tim (and the boys) for Karens birthday on Sunday. When we arrived, Karen was sitting down with an ice pack on her ankle, she slipped at the grocery store and twisted her ankle. It didn't look very serious, but she had taken a few Advils, so the pain wasn't evident. Hope its healing up fine.

We brought her a gift for her birthday and had some lunch, or as Kate calls it, "Linner", since it was about 3 when we ate. We had burritos from Chipotle, which were pretty good. Apparently, I am not the only one because we read in the paper that morning that Chipotle had doubled their income in a quarter, even in a very competitive market, they did VERY well.

Anyway, we also got to meet Andy's girlfriend, Sara as well. Jack didn't want to be close to her, but he couldn't stop looking at her, either. She is very nice.

We also got a tour of the basement, which is coming along very nicely. The drywall is about 50% complet, so the room is starting to take a shape and definition. Well done, Tim.

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