Saturday, January 20, 2007

The Rest of the Week

This week was also Jack's first week at his new Child Care, which is run by my employer and located right across the street from where I work. We toured the facility last friday and were very happy with the people, the facility and their whole approach. I can go see him for lunch or pop in if I want and it won't impact my schedule.

He did have the sniffles early in the week, so we took him to the pediatrician (again). We increased his dosage of Zantac and also learned he had a double ear infection. Omoxycillin to the rescue. He hates it, but likes how much better he feels. He is such a happy guy, its hard t tell when he is feeling under the weather. He had been blocked up and wasn't sleeping well so we chalked it up to him being stuffed up and his pink eye that he had early last week.

I had been getting over my own cold throughout this and knew his discomfort firsthand.

Its amazing how much stuff he has picked up by being around other kids, they are like little germ factories. He better be building a strong immune system - I know mine is taking a beating.

I had also been in contact with Mom and Dad out in Oklahoma. They have been without electricty or heat for over a week now and have been staying with Kenny and his brood. They have been home a few times to check on the cats and make sure the place is locked up tight. They lost everything in the freezer and refrigerator, of course. The cats are fine, of course.

Mom's birthday was Thursday, so I called her, but missed her call back. I will check in again tomorrow when I think they will probably be home. We are going to spend most of the day seeing GG at the hospital and making sure she is comfortable.

It is looking like snow tomorrow and we even got a few flakes today. This is the same system that has dumped all that snow on the midwest earlier in the week. My Dad warned me it was coming our way.

I remember a week and a half ago when it was 68 degrees (in January!) and I remarked that we would pay for this.

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