Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Jack's First Christmas

Christmas arrived early Sunday morning after Jack awoke at about 7 in the morning. We got up and exchanged presents in the living room. Kate's Mom and Tino were in twon and stayed with us, so we held back presents from the previous night's festivites and exchanged only presents between us.

Kate got me a Redskin jersey with my name on the back. (There actually was a player with my name who played back in 1942, but he only played two games and then was sent off to war) This is interesting because my name is not like a joe smith or a bill thomas. Anyway, she researched what number he wore and got my jersey in that number.

I got Kate a nano iPod so she could listen to her songs anywhere and finally get into this digital music thing. She likes most things that are technical with a high cool factor.

Jack got a play set that he can sit in and exercise his legs (and brain). He also got loads of toys and clothes. The kid has it made. He loves the activity set!

My Mom got him some clothes, a bear and a snow globe that will be a family heirloom. Very nice stuff! (He is wearing the pajamas that Grandma got him in the picture above)

We went over to Tim and Karens later that day and had a traditional Christmas dinner and exchanged presents. Jack got more clothes and toys there, too! We are running out of place to put all his stuff!

It was a very good Christmas.

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