Saturday, April 27, 2013


We came up for a quick visit in Virginia to celebrate Emma's second birthday with the OBrien clan.

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Why yes, She is Eating Well

She wouldn't eat the turkey from lunch so I said Doggies like meat, eat it like a doggy and darn if she didn't!

Sunday, April 21, 2013

Linoleum Cut

This is the latest linoleum cut I created of a funny quip I heard a long time ago.

Create Something Today

Even If It Sucks.

This is my new mantra that is helping me feed my soul. I'm creative and need to make, create, build or think about stuff. So I have thrown myself in to my artwork past and present to make this happen.

Lately I have been finishing some of the Tootsie Pop series of paintings and then took the next step by putting them in a gallery for a local Art House that specializes in recycled materials. More on that in a later post.

Right now I have been creating wood cuts and making prints of witty little quotes and colorful colloquialisms.

I plan to make a small series of some of my fathers more colorful sayings I heard growing up. Gems like the following;

Monday, April 15, 2013

Thumbs Up

She loves her new chair - Thanks Mom!

Friday, April 12, 2013

The Hill

There is a large mound of dirt that was left after construction of some homes near Abbie's house. Her kids love to run up the hill and down and roll down sometimes. I brought Emma and Jack over earlier this week and they showed us the hill and we climbed it. I got some great pics of the kids!

Friday, April 5, 2013

She Dressed Herself

Emma went in to Jack's room and decided she didn't like what she was wearing so she tried on his clothes. Not bad for a toddler that will turn 2 soon. Now if I can just get her to mow the lawn...